Our Love Story
On 22 February 2020, Jayne and John first laid eyes on each other at the Coolibah Hotel, Merrylands. After a year of chasing, John finally stole Jayne's heart and they officially became a couple on 28 March 2021. They moved in together and both of them knew this was a love that would last forever. To show this off to the world, John proposed to Jayne on 2 February 2023 and of course she said YES!
Friday 28 March 2025
The ceremony will be held in bushland, close to the reception
Attire: Garden Party
610 Moonabung Rd, Vacy NSW 2421, Australia
Attire: Garden Party
610 Moonabung Rd, Vacy NSW 2421, Australia
Accommodation Information
Eaglereach has 16 lodges in various sizes, all within 1km of the ceremony and reception area. Note they may require a minimum booking of 2 nights. Otherwise, we recommend booking through AirBnB or Stayz for appropriate accommodation in the area. Paterson Lodge looks beautiful and although Vacy Hunter Valley Lodge is close, it is very basic.
Wedding Party
Meet our best friends who are honouring us on our special day
Sophie has been Jayne's best friend for over 15 years. Jayne was a bridesmaid at Sophie's wedding in 2018 and is so happy that this can be reciprocated.
Gavin and John have been friends since 1998. Gavin has been a constant in John's life and they are more like brothers than friends.
Our Wishing Well
Should you wish to honour us with a gift, we have set up a wishing well for your convenience. It allows you to contribute to our European honeymoon.
Jayne Mazlin & John Hopwood BSB: 012 370 Account: 644 058 777
Share your photos with us
We would love to create a beautiful collage of memories of our wedding and we invite you to be a part of it. Feel free to capture special moments at the wedding and share them with us. Let's make our wedding day a collection of love and shared memories! We will create a WhatsApp group closer to the day for all pics to be shared.
The favour of your response is requested as soon as you can.
1) When do I need to RSVP by? Please reply by 28 January 2) What happens if I can't attend It would be great if you can let us know if you can't make it, either by RSVP or emailing one of us. 3) Is the wedding at the same venue as the reception? The wedding is being held outside in an area about 50 metres from the venue. The reception is indoors at Eaglereach. 4) Is there parking available? Yes! There is a parking area directly in front of the venue. If you're staying at the any of the resorts at Eaglereach, you will be within walking distance of the wedding/reception. 5) Is there wheelchair access? Yes! The wedding area is accessed along a short bush track and there are no steps to either this or into the reception venue. 6) What time should I arrive? Please be seated or standing in the wedding area before 4pm. 7) Is there transport available? Yes! If you need a lift to and from the venue, we will organise a shuttle bus which can pick you up and drop you off at your accommodation, so long as you are staying somewhere between Vacy and Maitland. 8) Where is Eaglereach? Eaglereach is at the top of a mountain, about 5 minutes out of Vacy. It is located in the Upper Hunter Valley/Lower Barrington Tops. Allow a 40 minute trip from Maitland or 2.5 hours from Sydney. 9) Are children allowed? Yes! We welcome everyone to our wedding, no matter how young. 10) Will there be babysitting services? Stay tuned - we are looking into this for you. 11) What is Garden Party as a dress code? The garden party dress code is semi-formal, more than casual but less than cocktail. As it's an outdoor wedding, opt for outfits and accessories that are comfortable and practical, but keep your look classy. 12) Will there be food and drink? Yes! Once the wedding is finished, please make your way to the reception venue where canapes and drinks will be served, while we have our photos taken. Dinner will start at 6pm. There will be standard beverages available and a bar tab for spirits. Please advise of any dietary requirements when you send your RSVP. 13) Will there be a seating plan? No! Please sit wherever you like, mingle with our family and friends. 14) What is happening the day after? We will put on a breakfast at 8.30am on the Saturday for anyone who wants to join us. There is a bbq area at the venue, along with a kids playground and games room. The breakfast will be held in this area. Please let us know if you'll attend so that we can cater for you. 15) I have another question that isn't listed here. Who can I ask? Please send your questions to either Jayne or John by emailing us. See the Contact Us section for details.
Contact Us
Jayne Mazlin jaynemazlin@gmail.com John Hopwood johnhopwood303@gmail.com